EDGAR TUNIYANTS - Best Emotional & Romantic Mix for Soul 2023(Tracklist mixed by Ledy&Rob MixStyle)

Welcome Edgar Tuniyants @MusicEdgarTuniyants?si=v-4jwgPmgOJnCpxn Edgar Tuniyants - Мои мечты - My Dreams Edgar Tuniyants - На краю свободы - At the Edge of Freedom Edgar Tuniyants - Это слезы ангелов - It Is The Tears of Angels Edgar Tuniyants - Наедине с дождем - Alone With The Rain Edgar Tuniyants - Очарование - Charm Edgar Tuniyants - Она одна - She’s Alone Edgar Tuniyants - Свет чистой души - Light of a Pure Soul Edgar Tuniyants - Там затихает душа - The Soul is Quiet There Edgar Tuniyants - Я нарисую доброту - I Will Draw Kindness Edgar Tuniyants - Мир без слез - World Without Tears Edgar Tuniyants - Мне кажется, поро́й - It Seems to me Sometimes Edgar Tuniyants - Мир без слез - World for Two Edgar Tuniyants - Разлука - Separation Edgar Tuniyants - В снежной тишине - In the Snowy Silence Edgar Tuniyants - Мелодия любви - Melody of Love Edgar Tuniyants - Время тихой любви - Time of Quiet Love Edgar Tuniyants - Я спокоен в тиши - I am Calm in Silence This video slide does not attempt to infringe any copyright of the artist and its owners. Its purpose is only to entertain and publicize the excellent work of musical artists. This channel is only shares quality music for people to enjoy. We do not intend to infringe copyright of the music and the image, we will withdraw it immediately if the artist, label or distributor wishes...
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