Here we have another version of the song “Der Kerkermeister“, which already comes close to the original version of the “Bavarian Metal“ demo.
Asura varied here mainly with the vocals, which in this version is sung more comprehensibly and clearly.
At that point, Asura was getting more and more into true black metal, he was now about to be ONE, with the only true black metal, and nothing could stop him from doing so.
Furthermore, he freed himself from burdens such as the addiction of carnal lust, obedience to sexuality, the formation of human friendships, all this hindered him from merging with the only true black metal.
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1 month ago 00:24:46 37
Простите за беспокойство. Или человек, который продает(ся) // Ирина Штерк. Между строк.
2 months ago 00:34:52 1
Манифест Коммунистической Партии (К.Маркс/Ф.Энгельс)
4 months ago 00:25:38 7
СЕНЕКА: Как жить “долго“ и не бояться смерти / О скоротечности жизни // СМЫСЛ.doc