Tanganyika Fish Tank Aquarium

Tanganyika Fish Tank Aquarium with a volume of 750 litres (200 US Gallons for my friends across the pond) with dimensions of 210x60x60cm. Tank has the following residents: 16x Tropheus Moorii Ilangi Kasaba Bay 3x Tropheus Ikola Kekese 3x Cyathopharynx Featherfin Furcifer 10x Masked Julie - Julidochromis Transcriptus 6x Five bar Cichlid - Neolamprologus Tretocephalus 2x Chalindochromis Brichardi Isanga 20x Sardine Cichlid - Cyprichromis Leptosoma 1x Synodontis Granulosus 10x Lemon Cichlid - Neolamprologus Leleupi 1x Altolamprologus Calvus Chisanse Filler Malawi fish - soon to be removed (when i have a spare week to take it all apart!) 20x Yellow Lab 10x Demasoni Tank is filtered with 2x Fluval FX5 filters filled with JBL Micromec and foam. Surface movement is from 2x Hydor Koralia 5600 with bubblestone being driven overnight by a Tetratec APS400 pump. Lighting is all TMC Aquaray strips, 4x Aquaray Grobeam Ultra 600, 6x Aquaray Marine White Ul
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