k. - interface, tutorial (2007)

k. - interface,tutorial a video made as application for vida10.0. welcome to k. k. is a free adaptation of the imagery experimented by K. in ’The Castle’ by Franz Kafka, that transports the user in a vertiginous voyage through the spatial abstraction. we get in and we have a menu that allows us to get in the space or get help. so we have a graphics of a keyboard, the u key which alternates between walking and flying, p pauses,the g toggles the grid,and the space bar, the most important key, jumping or flying. the mouse and the distance from the center of the screen controls the orientation and the speed at which k. last entry is one of the most important in the engine. it allows you to enter a code that generates a random space, always the same as you enter the key. it’s based on a generative algorithm that if you press a string it seeds random numbers with different parameters and you get lots of different spaces as starting lets just get back, and get in. notice that the
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