YYV1C1 An Introduction to God DabarymWords Yada Becoming Acquainted Who is Yahowah

A Shabat Study of Yahowah’s Torah. Join a group of Yah’s family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah’s Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists. 0:00:07 Who is Yahowah?… 0:38:10 At this point, you may be wondering why I would be so openly critical of mankind’s most popular faiths, especially the religions of Judeo-Christianity, seeing that this is an introduction to the God most believe was responsible for establishing these doctrines. 0:51:08 By continuing, you will meet God.
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