In the future, the Moon will become a launching pad for the exploration of deep space and distant planets.”

In the future, the Moon will become a launching pad for the exploration of deep space and distant planets.” Yuri Borisov, General Director of Roscosmos, spoke about the future of the Russian lunar program - the launch of Luna-25 was only the first step. ▪️“Luna-25“ should enter the lunar orbit on August 16. A precision soft landing is scheduled for 21 August. ▪️The station will conduct a whole range of studies - first of all, the search for water. If successful, the prospect of building a lunar base and industrial use of the satellite opens up. ▪️The complex of studies is designed for a year. The station will take lunar soil, study it and transmit data to the ground. ▪️In 2027, we should launch Luna-26, in 2028 - Luna-27, and somewhere after 2030 - Luna-28. These four missions will be the first phase. ▪️After that, Russia, together with China, will move on to the next phase - the possibility of a manned visit to the moon and the construction of a lunar base. Источник: Lord Of War
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