Deep Bass Music — Midnight Oil — Insightful Downtempo Playlist

3 Practical Tips For Maintaining Creative Focus We’re in the heart of the so-called “attention economy“. Technology fights for our gaze as we fill any moment of boredom with likes, scrolls and swipes. Being stuck with our own thoughts is a thing of the past, today stimulation is always at hand. But among the pings and buzzes, it’s not easy to get work done. Below are a few tips to help you regain attention, particularly useful when you have creative tasks at hand: Take Control of Digital Distractions There is no need to go cold-turkey, heck the internet can be an amazing resource for inspiration. However, giving yourself time away from notifications and endless feeds frees you to stay in your creative zone for longer. A Stanford University study reported that people who digitally multi-task, overall perform worse and tend to remember less about what they’ve consumed than those concentrating solely on one task. If you think this is you,
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