Liberation Of Norway Looks More Like Denmark (1945)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Liberation of Denmark. Street scenes in Norwegian city (possibly Oslo) Shots of bomb damaged buildings. Shots of German General seated at table with other military figures including American General (presumably signing surrender). Shots of the men shaking hands. L/S of people in room, American and British flag in background. L/Ss of Russian Generals walking past building. Military officials (some Russian) walking into room. Russian General making speech. Shots of American airforce staff with Russian Military figures at airbase. Shots of German Folke-Wolf Fw 190D. Group shots of Russian and American Generals. People entering building. M/S of Russian and French General talking. Similar shots follow. Russian and American General seated signing papers. Russian Generals inspect soldiers (possibly Danish or Dutch). More airbase footage. Footage of American and Russians signing papers. Hundreds of servicemen crowded together some wave at c
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