How to grow oyster mushroom on tea ground coffee ground ? Grow Mushrooms At Home

We have grown oyster mushroom, which is the easiest mushroom to grow, with used tea ground. You can grow mushrooms at home with this method that does not require experience. Oyster mushrooms can be grown with readily available straw, sawdust, rice husk ,coffe ground and tea ground. Pleurotus Ostratus, Pleurotus Eryngii In other videos on our channel, you can find information on how to grow mushrooms at home, how to grow mushrooms, how to make compost, seed preparation, vaccination, cultivation, use of cotton, straw, sawdust and wheat bran, why compost molds, how to store mushroom seeds. By subscribing, you can support us and be informed about new products and training videos. Enjoy watching. Giray Misel #mushrooms,#oystermushroom,#mushroom farming coffee ground,sopp,dyrking av sopp, østerssopp, paddestoel,champignonteelt, oesterzwam, grzyb, boczniak,ostrygwaty,updawa grzybow,hongos,seta de ostra, cultivo de hongos,cendawan tiram,pleurotes,cult
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