“You lookin real cute“ ORIGINAL ’hey thanks my name is Felix’ Felix Cosplay video

meowdy, I’m the Felix cosplayer in this video @johnny_bullet_seeds on Instagram! Insta ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Discord~ Has been hacked :( Spread the word do not follow any links it’s not me! Support ! ~ I figured I’d go ahead and upload the original video here for anyone who wanted the source! it was @bigboxcosplay who recorded the video! (The fabled man behind the ’oh shit’) his insta! ~ I’m only able to cosplay because of my boo @violettcos , so thank you so much for sharing this around and anyone who’s sourced me, you helped me see something I never thought would happen suddenly a reality which is cray-cray. #johnny_bullet_seeds #Felixcosplayer #johnnybulletseeds
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