GLaDOS in Real Life: Your Questions Answered!

Links to files, stores, parts etc. below! Want to buy me a coffee? Your tips support more videos like this: Support the channel and bigger builds: The previous video: She’s just an animatronic prototype, so there’s lots of things that make her design needlessly difficult and expensive to build right now, but if you want to jump in based on my files, go ahead! As much as I would love to help out, I have to focus on building more cool things for the channel, so you’ll have to work on your own. I don’t have time to answer questions about how to build her. Instagram: @ Affiliate links below help the channel out and cost you nothing :) Hardware: GC9A01 LCD (her round eye display) Teensy 4.0 (her eye processor) - Neopixel Ring (her eye light) - Head Servos - https://amzn.t
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