TEE VEE REPAIRMAN - “BUS STOP“ (First single from “What’s on TV?“)

I must confess that when I saw the cover-art of this album co-released by Total Punk (US) and Computer Human Records (AU), in a way, by the pose and the way he holds his guitar, good old Ishka reminded me of my lifelong hero, Jonathan Richman... In fact, if you look up pictures of Richman from the 70’s in New York, you’ll see that these two guys who I really admire, “except for the 50 years difference“, bear a great resemblance... But out of all this, what I find fucking mind-blowing, is that a guy involved in some of the craziest bands of the current weird-punk-garage scene, also has the feeling to make songs like this single, which of course, has its crazy and quirky touch, something logical if you’re a member of bands like Satanic Togas, Gee-Tee, Research Reactor Corp, or even now The Gobs, but it also has the sensibility of a really delicious guitar songwriting, glamorous and power-poppy, with an instantly melodic and catchy chorus, which has made that from now on when we see Ishka r
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