Английский язык 10 класс (Урок№42 - Cinemas.)

Английский язык 10 класс Урок№42 - Cinemas. Have you ever been to the cinema? What is your favourite film? Have you got a favourite actor? мы узнаем: новые лексические единицы по теме «Кино»; мы научимся: рассказывать о любимом фильме; мы сможем: вести беседу, используя новые лексические единицы; употреблять в речи фразовый глагол to turn. Do you enjoy going to the cinema? Since the invention of the cinematography by the Lumiere brothers the cinema has become one of the most popular types of entertainment. To talk about cinema we need some words. Air-conditioned, applaud, chase, choreographer, director, far-fetched, film, lifelike, magnificent, mayor, mouth-watering, multi-storey, project, promise, record-breaking, show, self-centred, sound, television, time-consuming, ultimate, turn down, turn off, turn on, turn over, all over the world, fall in love, cast.
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