Composer: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
Artist: Daniele Boccaccio
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Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621) was one of the most influential composers of the Late-Renaissance and Early-Baroque. He was organist of the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam for 44 years. His influence was enormous, he attracted composers from many European countries to Amsterdam to learn his art. Even the great Johann Sebastian Bach acknowledged his superior craftsmanship.
He has chosen three different instruments for the organ performances: the Arp Schnitger organ (1678) in the Johanneskirche, Oederquart; a Fritz Scherer organ (1612/13) in the Marienkirche, Lemgo; and an instrument of unknown manufacture from around 1550 in the Andreaskirche, Ostönnen. The harpsichord is a modern copy of a 1679 model by the Flemish maker Jan Couchet. A project long in the making, this set will command the attention of all early- and Baroque-music lovers.
Track list:
00:00:00 Fantasia Crommatica à 4, SwWV258
00:08:20 Puer nobis nascitur, SwWV315
00:11:49 Allemande [Gratie], SwWV318
00:15:43 Fantasia à 4: Echo, SwWV260
00:25:35 Toccata 9. Toni, SwWV296
00:30:40 Allein zu dir Herr Jesu Christ, SwWV309
00:43:59 Ricercar del nono tono, SwWV280
00:56:11 Die flichtige Nimphæ, SwWV331
00:58:34 Fantasia Ut re mi fa sol la à 4, SwWV263
01:08:14 Fantasia [contraria à 4], SwWV270
01:18:16 Toccata 2di toni, SwWV292
01:21:22 Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, SwWV303
01:33:44 Toccata, SwWV283
01:37:54 Fantasie auf die Manier eines Echo, SwWV275
01:42:38 Ich fuhr mich vber Rheine, SwWV322
01:48:48 Toccata à 3, SwWV289
01:51:47 Allein Gott in der Höh sey Ehr, SwWV299
01:56:08 O God, die onse Vader bist, SwWV308
02:00:06 Phantasia à 4, SwWV273
02:12:01 Fantasia mit Bindungen, SwWV265
02:16:18 Wir glauben all an einem Gott, SwWV316
02:25:27 Toccata Quinti Toni in C Major, SwWV284
02:27:27 Fantasia auf die Manier eines Echo in C Major, SwWV253
02:36:32 Toccata Noni Toni in A Major, SwWV297
02:42:17 Christe qui lux es et dies, SwWV301
02:46:51 Soll es sein, SwWV330
02:55:09 Toccata Primi Toni, SwWV286
02:59: Fantasia à 4, SwWV264
32 03:06:31 Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, SwWV305
03:14:37 Paduana Lachrymæ, SwWV328
03:20:43 Onder een linde groen, SwWV325
03:26:48 Toccata primi toni, SwWV287
03:29:30 Fantasia, SwWV257
03:33:43 Jesus Christus unser Heiland, SwWV306
03:40:47 Pavana Hispanica, SwWV327
03:43:32 Fantasia à3, SwWV271
03:48:55 Pavana Philippi, SwWV329
03:56:49 Fantasia, SwWV262
04:01:29 307 Nun freut euch lieben Christen gmein, SwWV307
04:06:39 Toccata, SwWV288
04:11:34 Fantasia à 4, SwWV266
04:22:19 Psalm 23: Myn Godt voedt my als mijn heerder ghepresen, SwWV310
04:29:44 Toccata, SwWV285
04:33:10 Psalm 36: Des boosdoenders wille seer quaedt in F Major, SwWV311
04:42:34 Fantasia [à 4: Echo], SwWV261
04:46:50 Psalm 60: Heer die ons hebt verstooten al, SwWV312
04:51:23 Toccata, SwWV282
04:55:36 Fantasia à 4, SwWV254
05:01:08 Psalm 116: Ick hebb’ den Heer lief, want hy heeft verhoort, SwWV313
05:06:49 Von der Fortuna werd ich getrieben, SwWV320
05:10:05 Psalme 140: O myn Godt, wilt my nu bevryden, SwWV314
05:16:28 Fantasia, SwWV267
05:25:30 Mein junges Leben hat ein Endt, SwWV324
05:32:38 Fantasia à 4, SwWV259
05:44:32 Fantasia, SwWV268
05:49:55 Esce Mars, SwWV321
05:54:52 Toccata à 4 Voc., SwWV298
05:56:50 Fantazia, SwWV272
05:58:34 Toccata, SwWV291
06:01:51 Da pacem Domine in diebus nostris, SwWV302
06:09:09 Fantasia, SwWV255
06:14:27 Toccata 2di Toni, SwWV293
06:17:28 Fantasia a. 2: 3: et 4 Vocem, SwWV274
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#BrilliantClassics #Classical #Music #Sweelinck #Harpsichord #Organ #Jan #Pieterszoon #Daniele #Boccaccio #Dutch #German #Composer
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