A RAW FULL RUN With Our 6 Year Old Daughter Snowboarding

This season has looked a bit different for us. With Dad blowing his knee October 30th of this year he has had to slow down quite a bit on his board. We have been hitting his recovery super hard but so far he is only riding about 60 percent of his normal shred. That being said Mom (Whitney) has had to put on her big girl pants and really push her riding this year to try and keep up with Cash, as she is just getting faster and faster and the no fear thing is really working in her favor! Don’t get me wrong, dad (Nick) can still keep up with small fry on any given day but these few days on the mountain in particular he was helping our friend Brad learn to snowboard as well as giving his knee a little break. So Cash and I took a few big mountain runs on our own and met up with dad on Coaches Corner with Uncle Brad! Watching Nick go through such a gnarly injury and push himself everyday in order to be able to ride with his girls this season has made me realize…Anything can happen in an
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