BTS Jungkook is always hungry. As the group’s youngest, Jungkook’s endless hunger pangs are quite endearing—he’s still a big kid at heart, always eager for a snack. Even while resting, the mere mention of mealtime by J-Hope had him springing to his feet and dashing to the dining hall. His excitement for his favorite foods only adds to his charm. The sight of fried chicken brings a joyful smile to his face, enough to melt anyone’s heart. Jungkook’s quest for food eventually had an even happier when all seven members relish barbecued meat together. Jungkook truly embraces his role as BTS’s beloved foodie and adorable maknae.
#bts #방탄소년단 #防弾少年団 #2024 #jungkook #hungry #eating
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