katherine pierce | a million ways to be cruel

this video just came out of nowhere last night. i heard this song and i just knew i had to vid katherine to it. i think they wrote it for her or something ;D as you may know i am the hugest katherinestefan shipper so there’s a lot of that in the video and also i’ve always wanted to make her a video but i thought i’d be a more emotional one. i wanted to use her sad quotes and scenes in here too, but they just didn’t fit the song. i am going to vid her again, though, i promise ;D she’s pretty much the only character that i love on TVD that’s still alive xDD (anna and lexie.. sigh. i also love caroline obviously but they’re ignoring her lately :/). so.. enjoy the randomness i guess. xx. Bia voiceovers. “we haven’t officially met. i’m katherine“ “kaboom“ “hello john. goodbye john.“ “kiss me. or kill me.“ “game on“ “we’re gonna have so much fun together“ backu
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