Epic Low Brass

Audio Download MP3, 24/96kFLAC: ★Share this video and buy the track, and we’ll make more.★ Game of Thrones “The Rains of Castamere” (Cover for 40 Low Brass) (21 Bass Trombones, 7 Contrabass Trombones, 8 Tubas, 3 Cimbassos, and 9 Tenor Trombones) 5 Years later, your favorite low brass ensemble is back. This time with more bass trombones. Over 40 of New York City’s top commercial and orchestral low brass musicians have reunited for Epic Low Brass “The Rains of Castamere.” This one-of-a kind ensemble features the legendary Joe Alessi on tenor trombone, an absurd amount of contrabass trombones and cimbassos, musicians from across the city, including Broadway, the New York Philharmonic, and the Metropolitan Opera. We have known for a while that we needed to make another video, but getting this many low brass together at one time is quite challenging. After five years of plotting and waiting, the low brass players of New York were all available late one Sunday evening, and it was tim
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