Student protest 24 November 2010 - London

A video of the student protest held in London on the 24th of November. Trying to capture a ’fair’ impression of the student protest; people standing up for their rights, fighting the cuts, the vandalized police van, people dancing and cheering, protesting peacefully, holding speeches, and last, but definitely not least, the police using the ’kettling’ tactic to control the crowd. I hope you’ll agree with me after watching this video that the majority of the students were protesting peacefully, and that the police had no reason to keep the crowd stuck at Whitehall for hours in the freezing cold without facilities like food, drinks and toilets for most of the time. But hey, let me hear YOUR thoughts - while watching this video, my question for you is; was this necessary??!! *whoops, small mistake in the date in the first few seconds of the video; I put 22 November 2010 - this should be 24 November 2010 of course. Perhaps I shouldn’t do any video-editing when
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