TOP 10 MOVES OF 2011

I know it’s late... but nevertheless , here it is. The Top 10 Moves of 2010 brought to you by the production team at Evolution of Exercise Some of these you may have seen already, some you may not have seen. Bigup everybody in this sport for real. I know these types of videos usually stir up all kinds of controversy conversations, so before or after that happens, please take a close at how far we have come. Hope you enjoy/enjoyed the video SHARE the video SUBSCRIBE to SHARE the video. HONORABLE MENTION: BBM(LittleBeastM) -90degree pushups on perfect pushup bars Ether -Alternating 1 arm pullups neutral grip Ether -Front neck hold Turnikmen -Backflip mount/dismount Kippswing 1 arm Muscle up Kool Keith -1 arm Elevators Alexander “the Great“ -Human Flag Typewriters No Question -1 arm combo Zef -Horizons TOP TEN MOVES OF 2010: Zef - Front lever muscle ups on 1 1/2 ft bar(about 18 in) Beast -Front Lever pullups/muscle ups routine
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