Enigma - Gregorian - Sadeness (Procedamus In Pace) Vocal Choir Cover Segments - KarenMuenchen
This time, something very created this original song to my own version, and therefore, I added my vocals (“5 vocals choir“) in three segments and arranged the song from Enigma new. Also it is a much shorter version.
Procedamus in pace! (Latin for ’Let us proceed in peace’) is a Gregorian chant. The text includes a quotation from Psalm 24:7-8. At End, the text is shown in three languages.
Procedamus in pace! was recorded by a German choir, Capella Antiqua Munchen directed by Konrad Ruhland, for Paschale Mysterium, an album of chants for Holy Week originally released in 1976.
“Sadeness (Part I)“ is a song by German musical project Enigma. The song was released in 1990 as the first of four singles from their debut album MCMXC a.D. (1990). It became an international hit, reaching number one in 24 countries. In the United States, the song peaked at number five on the Billboard Hot 100 and number one on its dance chart. A sequel to the song, “Sadeness (Part II)“ featuring Anggun, was released on Enigma’s eighth studio album, The Fall of a Rebel Angel (2016).
Cum angelis et pueris
Fideles inveniamur
Triumphatori Mortis Clamantes
Hosanna In Excelsis
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
Et elevamini, portae aeternales
Et introibit rex gloriae
Qius est iste Rex glorie?
Dominus Fortis Et Potens
Dominus Fortis In Proelio
Procedamus In Pace
In Nomine Christi Amen
Mit Engeln und Kinder
entdecken wir unseren Glauben.
Bezwinger des Todes
Hosianna in der Höhe
Macht hoch eure Türen, Könige
und seid angehoben, ewige Tore
und der Herr der Herrlichkeit wird hereinkommen
Wer ist der König der Herrlichkeit?
Stark und mächtig
Herr, mächtig im Kampf
Gehet hin in Frieden
Im Namen Christi, Amen
Let Us Proceed In Peace
In Christ’s Name So Be It
In The Company Of Angels And Children
We Shall Find The Faithful
Conqueror Of Death
Hosanna In The Highest
Lift Up Ye Heads O Ye Glorious Gates
And Be Ye Lifted Up Ye Everlasting Doors
And The King Of Glory Shall Come In
Who Is The King Of Glory?
The Strong And Mighty Lord
The Mighty Lord In Battle