Building the Worlds Smallest Escalator (That WORKS 😮)

This project has been in development since January 2022, and the original idea stems right back to the underground subway diorama that was built back in November 2019! It only took almost 12 months to finish! I tinkered with this project on and off over that time but really knuckled down for the past 3 months to get it completed. The original TinkerCAD file can be found here for those wanting to download and 3D print the model as well: Also a parts list is available on my website here: I designed it in such a way that it can be retrofitted and adjusted by others who also want to have a go at building something similar. While all the files are final designs that worked for my finished model you may still find depending on what 3D printer settings you use you may still need to make minor adjustments to your printed pieces in order to
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