Advice To Young Musicians // Q&A

Question Time Stamps: 11:50 - How should younger drummers prepare for the industry? :25 - What is your dream Endorsement? :37 - How Old are you? :38 - What is the best content to post and how to get well known? 1:40 - Who inspired you to play drums? 2:18 - How do you improve flow? 2:30 - How do you learn new songs? 3:30 - What music genre is your favorite-er? 3:50 - If you weren’t a drummer what would you be doing? 4:20 - What got you into the music industry? 4:50 - When did you decide drums was what you were going to do for a living? 6:05 - Favorite Anime? 6:35 - How do you stay motivated? 10:15 - What’s your favorite Coke (Soda)? 10:40 - How are you doing? 11:50 - How should younger drummers prepare for the industry? Thanks For watching and hopefully this helps you along your journey! Love, David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to learn some crazy patterns and chops? Check out my lesson packs! ** www
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