Monument to the soldiers of the 10th division of the NKVD troops and the militiamen of Stalingrad

Monument to the soldiers of the 10th division of the NKVD troops and the militiamen of Stalingrad - the defenders of the city in 1942-1943 during the reconstruction in October 2021. Memorial in Volgograd, located on the right bank of the Tsaritsa River, near the Astrakhan bridge connecting the Central and Voroshilovsky districts of the city. Around the monument there is a square of Chekists with a small park area. Near the metrotram station of the same name and public transport stops. It is a figure of a warrior with a naked sword raised high in his hand, located on a pedestal. Stairs lead to the monument from four sides. The majestic five-meter bronze figure of a Chekist warrior rises on a seventeen-meter architecturally designed pedestal in the form of an obelisk. The Chekist holds a naked sword in his hand. The monument was designed by the Volgograd architect Feofilakt Miltiadovich Koimshidi. The opening of the monument took place on December 28, 1947. At the All-Union competition, out of 43 submitted projects, the Koimshidi project received the first prize. Sculptural works according to the author’s sketches were made by a group of Leningrad sculptors: People’s Artist of the USSR M. K. Anikushin, sculptors - G. V. Kosov, V. G. Stamov. There are two memorial plaques made of granite on the monument. On the first board is the inscription: Chekists, counterintelligence officers Stalingrad front, soldiers and officers 10 divisions of the NKVD troops, police officers, who died defending the city from the German fascist invaders. August 1942 - February 1943 The text of the oath of the soldiers of the 10th division of the NKVD troops is engraved on the second memorial plaque: “In a harsh hour, when the enemy hung like a black cloud over Stalingrad,” it said, “we swear to mercilessly destroy the hated enemy, wherever he appears. We promise that in a difficult moment we will not flinch in the face of a deadly threat. We will show resilience, high discipline, endurance. We are ready to lay down our bones, but not to allow the enemy to enter Stalingrad. We swear that we will be worthy sons of our Motherland!” The total height of the monument is more than 22 m, the height of the figure of a security officer is m, with a sword - 5.8 m. The bronze casting was made by the Monumentsculptura Leningrad plant. At the beginning of 1942, the regional party committee and the city defense committee became aware that a division was to be formed in Stalingrad. Later, she was one of the first to enter into an unequal battle with the German troops that broke through to Stalingrad. The terms for the formation of the division and its composition were determined by a special decree of the GKO. Units of the 10th Rifle Division of the NKVD troops, commanded by Colonel Alexander Andreevich Saraev, arrived in Stalingrad in January 1942. Major Vasily Ivanovich Zaitsev was appointed chief of staff of the division. The backbone of the division was the fighters and commanders of the border troops, including the Urals and Siberians from Sverdlovsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, but the main core of the 269th and 270th regiments were Stalingraders, envoys from the party and Komsomol organizations of the city. Three thousand Stalingraders fought in the ranks of the legendary division. The division, together with the people’s militias in the summer of 1942, took upon itself the first blow of the enemy, rushing to the Volga. In addition to units of the 10th division of the NKVD during the Battle of Stalingrad, there were also police officers in the city. More than once they had to participate in reconnaissance, go out to capture enemy paratroopers, spies, saboteurs. On December 2, 1942, the 10th division of the NKVD troops was awarded the Order of Lenin for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the Soviet command in the defense near the Volga banks. Hundreds of its fighters, commanders and political workers were awarded government awards. 20 Chekists of the division were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 9 of them did not wait for Victory Day, five people became holders of the Order of Glory of all three degrees. The fighting traditions of the hero-city on the Volga were increased by the soldiers of the division in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, during the crossing of the Vistula and in the battles for Breslau. NKVD軍の第10師団の兵士とスターリングラードの民兵の記念碑-2021年10月の再建中の1942年から1943年の都市の擁護者。 ツァリーツァ川の右岸に位置し、市内の中央地区とヴォロシロフスキー地区を結ぶアストラハン橋の近くにあるヴォルゴグラードの記念碑。記念碑の周りには、小さな公園エリアのあるチェキストの広場があります。同名のメトロトラム駅と公共交通機関の停留所の近く。台座の上に裸の剣を手に持った戦士の姿です。 階段は4つの側面から記念碑に通じています。 チェキストの戦士の雄大な5メートルのブロンズ像は、オベリスクの形をした17メートルの建築設計された台座の上にそびえ立っています。チェキストは裸の剣を手に持っています。 記念碑は、ヴォルゴグラードの建築家FeofilaktMiltiadovichKoimshidiによって設計されました。記念碑の開所は1947年12月28日に行われました。全連合コンペティションでは、提出された43のプロジェクトのうち、Koimshidiプロジェクトが最優秀賞を受賞しました。著者のスケッチによる彫刻作品は、レニングラードの彫刻家のグループによって作られました:ソ連人民芸術家M. K.アニクシン、彫刻家-G. V.
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