
A young girl named Jolie encounters a mysterious creature which forces her to relive her trauma and come to terms with her guilt. Follow us on Instagram for behind-the-scenes! @undertaker_aub Special thanks to the very talented team that made this film happen!!! Peggy TATARU | Robert GRAHAM | Matthew RAYNER | Miki SITTIVECH | Koko ATANASOV | Katelyn MCGUINNESS | Sonu THOMAS | Pavlos BARBOUTIS | Weiden WONG | Melek HITCH-TURKMEN | Kimberly GOON | Gabriela GINDA | Rebecca ODDY | Levi PUGH Composer/Sound Design: Sam ROTHERA @ Violin: Freddie FLINTOFF Cello: Caroline MORRIS Vocals: Katherine MACAULAY Arts University Bournemouth 2022
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