Реактивная печь: Rocket stove heater for a workshop or a room
In this video I show the details of a rocket stove heater I made from two gas bottles and other recuperated materials. My challenge was to spend as little money as possible and to make an aesthetic and efficient heating system that could be put in a wood cabin.
- I spent $20 to make this stove (a piece of inox piping for the heat riser, some welding sticks, grinding disks and some paint). This
does not include the driving around finding bits and pieces nor the chimney exhaust pipe.
- This heater gives off
5 months ago 00:01:36 20
Пляж Махо Бич на острове Сент Мартен в Карибском море
5 months ago 00:08:01 1
РАКЕТНАЯ ПЕЧЬ своими РУКАМИ! The Best Rocket stove ПЕЧЬ РАКЕТА
6 months ago 00:16:01 2
Звуковое оружие в прошлом и сейчас. Земля-неваляшка.