A+ Astronaut Modular Sound Demo (One patch through 22 algorithms)

A Astronaut Modular is a eurorack version of the Astronaut III space reverb. I process one simple patch (2HP Pluck triggered by Marbles) through each algorithm. The demo is long because this unit is just so deep. It’s wild how the sound source transforms from a simple pluck to vast ambient walls of sound. **** Algorithm Notes: Classic Reverbs 1. Room and Plate are classic reverb sounds. The CHARACTER knob controls pre-delay (0 to 200 ms). In Hold Mode, decay becomes infinite. 2. Spring and Modulated reverbs are exactly what their names say. The CHARACTER knob controls the “body“ of the Spring and modulation rate for Modulated reverb. Space Reverbs 3. SkyNet and SkyNet-2 are spacious, futuristic reverbs with controllable DECAY. The CHARACTER knob provides mild low-pass filtering for SkyNet and high-pass filtering for SkyNet-2. 4. ShimUp and ShimUp-2 are classic shimmers with different sound characteristics. For ShimUp-2, the CHARACTER knob is a resonant low-pass filter on reverb tails. In ShimUp, C
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