Bryan Herman Hardflip at the STI Lab (shot at 1000FPS)

Bryan Herman doing a hardflip at the STI Lab. Shot with a high speed video camera at 1000 frames per second. Check out for more info.... The weekend of GVR (Goofy vs. Regular) 19 team riders came to check out the lab and learn about all of STIs skatechnology. Check back and subscribe for more high speed, slow motion video. Heres a list of the skateboarders that were in attendance and some of the tricks they filmed on high speed: Cale Nuske Rodrigo TX Evelien Bouilliart Kickflip Evelien Bouilliart Multiple tricks down the 8 stair Danny Garcia Bobby Worrest Javier Sarmiento Justin Eldridge Ronnie Creager Andrew Reynolds Switch Flip Andrew Reynolds Kickflip Ed Templeton Heath Kirchart Kevin Long Daniel Cardone Eric Fletcher PJ Ladd Jo Lorenz Marquis Preston Multiple tricks down the 8 stair Antwon Dixon Bryan Herman - Hardflip Bryan Herman 360 Flip
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