Super Robot Showcase: Gakusaver from “Ryuuseiki Gakusaver“ / スパロボショーケース:「流星機ガクセイバー」の

What if Nina Robo and Gakusaver from “Ryuuseiki Gakusaver“ were in Super Robot Wars? An ability showcase. Ryuuseiki Gakusaver is a six episode Super Robot OVA with a heavy focus on comedy. The story follows a class of students led by a self-important and abrasive teacher that seems to view the world through the lens of old school sci fi. The class visits a mysterious meteor-like object from an extraterrestrial culture which constructs a giant robot from their thoughts, and they are forced to defend against extraterrestrial enemies using that same robot. The OVA was one of number of adaptations of the Gakusaver radio drama. In some versions, Gakusaver is short for “gakusei bakkari ga nori konda“, or “only students were on board“. For clarity, the subtitles here are not mine. 「流星機ガクセイバー」のニーナロボとガクセイ|
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