Twenties Party Aka Beverley Nichols (1958)

Mayfair, London. An old fashioned 1920’s car draws up in front of a house, the man and woman in it are dressed in 1920’s outfits. Another old car draws up behind it full of people in clothes also from that period. Four people get out of the second car, the three girls are dressed as flappers, one of them has a long cigarette holder in her hand. The couple in the first car also get out, they all go up to the front door and ring the bell. The narrator tell us they are at the Mayfair house of Christabel / Christobel, Lady Aberconway and the occasion is a flapper party given by writer Beverley Nichols who has just written a book about that decade call ’The Sweet and Twenties’. The guests enter the house Exterior. M/S of Lady Aberconway, Beverley Nichols and L.P. Hartley (novelist) looking at the book and discussing it. C/U of the book. C/U of Beverley Nichols, C/U of the three of them. M/S of young people talking, the camera shows the back view of a girl in a gold flapper costume and pans down
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