Forza Motorsport vs Gran Turismo 7 Graphics Comparison

A side-by-side look at Forza Motorsport vs. Gran Turismo 7 graphics including the interior, 3rd person, and hood views available in both games. In addition, we put the replay mode through its paces. This video will take a look at Forza Motorsport vs Gran Turismo 7 graphics. Let us know which you prefer in the comments. Does Forza Motorsport 2023 vs Gran Turismo 7 replay mode have a better version? What do you think about Turn 10’s take on Forza Motorsport vs Gran Turismo 7 graphics? Let us know in the comments. Forza Motorsport is being played on the Xbox Series X in Performance mode and Gran Turismo 7 is being played with framerate preferred. Subscribe to IGN for more! ------------------------------ ---- Watch more on IGN here! ------------------------------ ---- DAILY FIX: GAME REVIEWS: MOVIE REVIEWS: TRAILERS: NEWS: #ign
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