DIY Miniature Edible Chocolate Easter Eggs and Picnic Basket (Tutorial)- YolandaMeow♡

Learn how to make miniature chocolate Easter eggs and a mini basket, picnic basket or Easter basket to keep them inside. It’s easy to make and really cute! :-) ♡ (WARNING: This video has been made strictly for adults who are miniature collectors, that`s why in my vids I use sharp tools and others like: cutter, lighters, cutting pliers, pliers, craft knifes, awl,...) ♡ Visit my channel Yolanda Meow ♡ to watch more miniatures: Tips: - Easter eggs are made of pure cocoa covered peanuts (natural & organic 100 %, with no sugar, no additives,...). - The glue that I use (with a paintbrush) at... the base of the basket is ordinary clear liquid school glue. - I use a fine, hard and brown braided cotton cord to make the base of the basket (one of those which is usually used to make bracelets and necklaces) ♡ Subscribe to Yolanda Meow ♡ Channel here: ♡ Instagram: Hope you like and enjoy it!
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