The Forest Has Us - Short Horror Film

A young runner ventures deep into a forest one sunny day. After a series of increasingly strange occurrences, he realises the forest has its own plans for him. This is my passion project of 2020, as you can imagine it was trickier than most years to make a film due to the pandemic. I used the initial lockdown to plan it – with the goal of making something that wouldn’t require loads of people or resources. Then when restrictions eased, we went out and filmed it across 3 days, with an extra fourth day to get the drone shots. Pandemic aside, the most unprecedented thing was getting 4 days of sun in the UK! I wanted to utilise this stunning woodland area I discovered and make the film as visual as possible. My brother - who stars in the film, is a keen runner in real life so I chose to make this the basis of the plot. Not only would this enable us to employ different parts of the woodland, but going for a run alone in the woods has so much potential for creepy stuff to happen. Check-out the Behind The Scenes here: For best viewing quality please select - 1440p Feedback is always appreciated!
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