НАСТЯ заблудилась в лесу пока искала грибы! #nastya #nastyabastya #forkids #forchildrens

НАСТЯ и ПАПА ,МАМА, АНЯ и их друзья пошли в лез за грибами. Долго искали грибы, и не могли их найти, пошли в другой лес. НАСТЯ решила нарвать цветы для МАМЫ, ушла от друзей в лес и пока рвала букет и искала ГРИБЫ заблудись в лесу! Звала на помощь и нашлась! NASTYA and DAD, MOM, ANYA and their friends went to les for mushrooms. We searched for mushrooms for a long time, and could not find them, we went to another forest. NASTYA decided to pick flowers for her MOTHER, left her friends in the forest and while she was tearing a bouquet and looking for MUSHROOMS, get lost in the forest! I called for help and was found!
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