На видео Я (Татиана Салмановна Мактум Сайфуддин/ Tatiana Salmanovna Maktoum Saifuddin в моем эллинге
Al-Waleed bin Talal
Вт 18:55
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6 дней назад
To: you, alwaleedbintalal2020, jaywilliams989, hamdanfaz325, Kostin Denis, alanjebson1, john00pete, ajijaahmed, Pavel Sudarkin
Today, November 3, 2020, at 17 hours and about 30 minutes, the psychiatrist Koroleva called me from the neuropsychiatric dispensary, said that she received my letter to the dispensary’s mail and that in my letter I write about remote communication via communication means, the Internet, telephony. She said that it would be more convenient for her if our communication was through the clinic’s reception phone number. She called me from a mobile phone and I asked her that it would be easier for me to call her in a month on this mobile phone (7-965-037........ doctor Korolev). She also told me to write down her last name, I told her that I remember her last name looked at the website of the dispensary, that her last name is Koroleva, and I also asked her about the doctor Dementiev, she told me that he no
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