Signs You Might Be Asexual | Our Ace Experiences

Welcome back, lovely humans! In this video, we are sharing some of the signs that hinted at our asexuality, so that maybe you can identify them within yourself. Let us know if you relate at all! Please ask any questions related to asexuality, aromanticism, being queer, the aro, ace, or queer communities, us as humans (Elle, Lau & Kaden), or anything at all! Hopefully we’ll get enough to make a Q&A video, which would be super exciting because knowing what you guys want to see in our content is important to us. On that note, if you have any video recommendations, put them in the comment section. Spacey Aces TikTok link: @spacey_aces?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESPgo8BjF0dbXtY8Q9PqoT74VGgb4IXv0D/vmsJuhH/rSv26RtSX7UQFtYpSrVD4ftywFYwewLY4JI1AYY48MlGgA=&checksum=d8e9bb2dfa78a4657ceaf197c3d1d1b1019d682b256d01dedd916d04c9b1da91&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAkEqIvH26y_Pkz5Cwfsdo5fROcq7pYNy6lRN9Sy4PgymaJ2JxYBdtX_a2Fb8PmJPo&sec_user_id=MS4wL
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