Rock Paper and Scissor Game Using Python Tkinter | GeeksforGeeks

In this video, we’re going to discuss how to create a Rock Paper and Scissor Game in Python. Rock Paper Scissor is a hand game played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand and one player wins based on the defined rules. In Python, there is a Tkinter toolkit that is used to create a variety of GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications and we’ll use it here to create our game project. So, let’s get started now. Check out the related articles: Rock Paper and Scissor Game Using Python Tkinter [] Complete Python Tkinter Tutorial [] Apply For Video Internship Program - Our courses: This video is contributed by Shambhavi Gupta. Please Like, Comment, and Share the Video with your friends. #python #projects #rockpaperscis
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