Fox News Chud Tells Jewish Co-Host Holocaust Had ’Benefits’

Fox News hosts of The Five react to Vice President Harris’s remarks criticizing the proposed Florida Black History standards. Jessica Tarlov, who is Jewish, says she’s uncomfortable by the idea of implying black people in any way benefitted from slavery because it’s akin to implying that Jewish people detained in concentration camps during The Holocaust may have benefitted from their time there. Greg Gutfeld asks Tarlov if she’s read Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search For Meaning.“ Gutfeld says that Frankl outlines in that book how Jews survived living in concentration camps by having skills: “You ...had to be useful.“ Watch the Majority Report live Monday–Friday at 12 p.m. EST on YouTube OR listen via daily podcast at #SamSeder #EmmaVigeland #MajorityReport #politics #news #progressive #leftist #democrats #liberal SUPPORT the show by becoming a member: Download TMR’s FREE app: TMR MERCH: CHECK OUT MORE from the MR crew: Matt Binder DOOMED Brandon Sutton DISCOURSE Emma Vigeland ESVN Matt Lech LEFT RECKONING OTHER LINKS: Twitch: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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