How to Nap and NOT Wake Up Groggy | 4 Tips

Do you ever wake up from naps either feeling worse than you did before the nap, or oversleeping and turning that 20 minute nap into a 3 hour snooze fest? I’ll show you how to put a stop to it, and begin power napping like a pro. The key to understanding how to nap more effectively is a familiarity with the sleep cycle (00:47). Effective power napping takes advantage of the lighter stages of sleep, specifically stages 1 and 2. Deeper sleep (meaning stages 3 and 4) is more restorative sleep that is best kept for overnight. Napping into deeper sleep stages is more likely to result in sleep inertia, feeling groggy, and even oversleeping. || SLEEP GEAR || CONTOURED Sleep Mask: Sleeping Ear Plugs: Blue Light Blocking Glasses for Night Time: Are Doctors Sleep Deprived? (Vlog Channel): || VIDEO OUTLINE || I address 4 concerns you probably have about napping: 1. “I cannot fall asleep that fast!“ 03:02 2. Over
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