The Queen Opens Gatwick (1958)

Full title reads: “The Queen Opens Gatwick“. Gatwick Airport, Near London. GV Passenger department at the new Gatwick Airport. LV Control tower. SV Two men seated at control panels inside tower, one of them looking through binoculars and both wearing head phones. CU Mass of buttons on control panel. GV From top of airport building looking down onto dual carriageway, which runs beneath flyovers. GV Main railway lines and airport perimeter with dual carriageway between. LV Queen Elizabeth II, accompanied by officials walking from Royal aircraft towards buildings, behind her comes Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. CU Queen walking into buildings. LV Audience seated at inauguration ceremony. LV Queen unveils plaque. CU Plaque reading “Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II inaugurated this Airport June 9th 1958“. SV Queen being shown model of the airport. LV Queen ascending stairs where sign reading “Channel Islands Passengers only“. LV Queen ascending stairs where sign reads “Channel Island Passengers“ sign is
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