900 KM Travel by Glider no Engine - Day 1

Travelling by glider with the power of nature is epic. Especially when you have great weather conditions and when you arrive at an airfield with gliding activities! Join my exciting first day of the 2400 km Travel by Glider adventure. Flighttrack: Support my brand SteFly: __________________________________ ✈️ Get TWO MONTHS of Skysight weather forecast for free if you buy the annual subscription. SkySight: (only available for new customers)* ✈️ The best value for money glide computer: ✈️ Camera equipment I use: * ✈️ Get 10% discount on products from SoaringXX with the code “powerofnature10“: __________________________________ My sponsors! ▶︎ Paratec Safety: ▶︎ Clouddancers allweather covers : *This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission. This helps me to cover the costs to produce more interesting videos. Thank you. #travelbyglider
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