Last night, antifascist terrorists firebombed the car of Tim Lutzes (@TimLutze, @TimLutze2) pregnant wife outside his house. T

Last night, antifascist terrorists firebombed the car of Tim Lutze’s (@TimLutze, @TimLutze2) pregnant wife outside his house.  They threw molotov cocktails onto his front yard as his wife and children were sleeping in the house. Tim is a gym owner and member of the @EuropeanAustralianMovement.  He’s a great father and community member and a good man by all accounts. Our People are called “terrorists“ for peaceful protesting and arm gestures.  Meanwhile legitimate acts of terrorism are done to Tim, and will be minimized and written off as some sort of minor incident.  If not blamed on Tim, Thomas, and EAM outright. This is a game these cowards only play because the system pigs, politicians and media propagandists will run cover for them. Источник: Lord Of War
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