ВДНХ. День города Москвы 2022. Утренняя прогулка.

Поддержать канал: Карта Райффайзенбанк 5379 6530 4845 3698 VDNH (or VDNKh) is a gigantic entertainment complex, museums, exhibitions, fairs and parks, in which you can also admire the achievements of the past Soviet communist era, all gathered in a unique historical and architectural complex. The Friendship of Peoples fountain is one of the symbols not only of VDNKh, but also of Moscow. His composition consists of several parts. The oval bowl of the fountain is crowned with a golden sheaf of wheat, industrial hemp and sunflowers woven into a large sheaf. Around the sheaf are statues of 16 gilded girls, symbolizing the Soviet republics: their number is sixteen - according to the number of administrative-territorial units that were part of the USSR at the time the cultural heritage site was created. The girls are holding an agricultural plant in their hands, which was most often grown in the fields of her native republic. The Stone Flower Fountain is one of the four famous
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