Darnassus - Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Classic
Darnassus (aka Darnassus City) is the capital city of the night elves of the Alliance.
Atop the massive boughs of the second World Tree, Teldrassil, lies the wondrous city of Darnassus. The elegant bridges, beautiful groves, and leaf-covered pathways that dot the city’s landscape are testaments to the night elves’ reverence for nature. One of Darnassus’s most notable structures is the stunning Temple of the Moon, the center of worship for High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and her Sisters of Elune.
Darnassus is the greatest city of the night elves, housing the leaders of both the druids and the faithful of Elune. It is carefully guarded by Sentinels, ancient protectors, and ancients of war. The city is formidable in spite of the peaceful natures of the night elves. In addition to the night elves, many guests and diplomats from elsewhere reside here, such as groups from the Explorers’ Guild and the Knights of the Silver Hand. There is only one High elf allowed within its borders. The population here is almost entirely elven, and most of the night elves are tolerant of others. However, there is political strife between the druids and priests.
The atmosphere inside the city is a quiet and somewhat a melancholic one. It does not have the feeling of confinement that one would feel in Stormwind or Ironforge, where the buildings are grouped close together. Darnassus is open to the sky, and the graceful bridges spanning the lake around which it is built set the buildings wide apart. The prime reason why the city’s population is so low is that it is isolated: Teldrassil is a small island away from the main mass of Azeroth, and the only way to gain access from another continent is to fly or sail to Rut’theran Village, a small settlement at the base of Teldrassil, and from there step into the glowing portal to the city proper. This is a good thing, though. It is the elves’ capital, and should therefore be serene and quiet, holding the mystic and melancholic elements of the night elves.
In the aftermath of the Third War, the night elves had to adjust to their mortal existence. Such an adjustment was far from easy, and there were many night elves who could not adjust to the prospects of aging, disease and frailty. Seeking to regain their immortality, a number of wayward druids conspired to plant a special tree that would reestablish a link between their spirits and the eternal world.
With Malfurion Stormrage missing, Fandral Staghelm — the leader of those who wished to plant the new World Tree - became the new Arch-Druid. In no time at all, he and his fellow druids had forged ahead and planted the great tree, Teldrassil, off the stormy coasts of northern Kalimdor. Under their care, the tree sprouted up above the clouds. Among the twilight boughs of the colossal tree, the wondrous city of Darnassus took root. However, the tree was not consecrated with nature’s blessing and soon fell prey to the corruption of the Burning Legion. Now the wildlife and even the limbs of Teldrassil are tainted by a growing darkness.
Original music from Vanilla World of Warcraft Darnassus (always marked in the video (turn the CC / subtitles on) and accompanied by day & night ambience sound):
00:02 Moonfall OST (aka Angelic)
00:45 Temple OST (aka Magic)
01:51 Enchanted Forest 1 (extended)
03:22 Enchanted Forest 5
04:33 Enchanted Forest 4
05:35 Enchanted Forest 3 (aka Teldrassil OST)
09:34 Enchanted Forest 2
10:40 Darnassus Intro
11:24 Darnassus Walking 1
12:54 Darnassus Walking 2
14:08 Darnassus Walking 3
15:16 Druid Grove
Music extends until the end
Enchanted Forest, Magic and Angelic themes are composed by Jason Hayes
Main areas from WoW Classic Darnassus:
00:00 Intro
00:50 Teldrassil
05:01 Darnassus Entrance (from East)
13:37 Warrior’s Terrace
17:39 Tradesmen’s Terrace
24:11 The Temple of the Moon
31:30 The Temple Gardens
35:32 Cenarion Enclave
43:40 Craftsmen’s Terrace
51:39 The Temple Gardens (Darnassus Center)
54:09 Darnassus Entrance (Rut’theran Village portal from West)
56:09 Rut’theran Village
59:00 Outro (Don’t click!!)
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Michael Maaß
Elie Z.
Jack Readman
Gil Levy
Sheila Smith
Jack Anderson
Carlos Macazana
Shannon Anderson
Rhian Hunt
Frederic Ratelle
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