US Spy Plane intrudes DPRK Airspace: Kim Yo Jong gives statement

My backup channel on Odysee @PhuongDPRKDaily:e Press statement of Kim Yo Jong, Deputy Department Director of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea This morning a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defence of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea sent a serious warning to the grave air espionage acts of the US forces that are seriously infringing upon the sovereignty, security and interests of our state. What is really ridiculous is that the south Korean puppet military promptly denied the US forces’ grave infringement upon the sovereignty. Now the Joint Chiefs of Staff of south Korea is professing itself to be a spokesman for the US Department of Defence and the US-India-Pacific Command. The bad habit of meddling in others seems to be the constitutional quality of the south Korean politicians and military gangsters. How can they deny the stark fact in broad daylight without batting an eye? Obviously, it is a grave inf
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