Another Champion! A Wheel One (1932)

Introductory intertitle reads: “Meet Miss Gladys Hamilton, Lady Cycling Champion, and well on Adam’s track - (with some friends).“ Gladys (who has rather a posh voice) tells the audience that she skips for a quarter of an hour a day. Two colleagues stand behind her and skip with ropes. Gladys points out that they skip backwards - this is to keep their shoulders back. Gladys joins in with the skipping. C/U of a lovely smiling girl on a bike - could be Gladys. She wears a jaunty hat. She seems to be on a stationary cycle but she is pedalling - an exercise bike presumably. “Gladys is the winner of 50 races in England, France, and Belgium, and holds many women’s records.“ L/S of the start of a bicycle race. Three girls are competing. Starting gun is fired and they race off. Various shot of them cycling around the track. Nice end shot of Gladys with her bike. She speaks to the camera but unfortunately there is no sound with this shot. Note: I think that the shots may be out of order or
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