Hiking Up Grapevine Canyon Near Meadview Arizona

Today we drive down a canyon just outside of Meadview Arizona and go on a wild hike up Grapevine Canyon in the Mojave desert. I was really interested in making this hike because I was told by a local just the night before that the canyon had running water and was loaded with frogs. But more amazingly, the fella told me that it was loaded with Guineafowl too! Now, for you that know what a guineafowl is, you too should be amazed that a colony of these chicken-like, domesticated birds could survive and thrive in the dry desolation of the Mojave desert! I had to investigate this most curious thing. I had my doubts. About Aquachigger: I enjoy metal detecting for historical items like gold coins, relics, silver coins, and other buried treasures. I also metal detect for gold and silver nuggets and even meteorites. I like to make videos that promote my choice of lifestyle that includes outdoor adventure, metal detecting, yapping, searching for river treasure, SCUBA diving, exploring abandoned pl
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