Ben Domenech Alleges Biden Corruption In Impeachment Inquiry

In a recent column for The Federalist, Ben Domenech argued that the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump is a “cover-up“ for the Biden family’s alleged corruption in Ukraine. Domenech pointed to a series of wire transfers that were sent to Joe Biden’s house from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, served on the board of. Domenech argued that these wire transfers are evidence that Joe Biden was “bribed“ by Burisma to protect the company from corruption investigations. He also alleged that the Obama administration was involved in this cover-up, and that the impeachment inquiry is a way to distract from the Biden family’s corruption. Domenech’s claims have been disputed by some journalists and experts. They argue that the wire transfers are not evidence of corruption, and that the Biden family has not violated any laws. They also point out that the impeachment inquiry is focused on Trump’s alleged
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