In today’s (19 August 2014) morning satsang Paramahamsa Nithyananda expanded on the subtle dimensions of perpetual completion. He to;ld us ot complete with all the pain patterns for the next 45 days by doing the Samskara Dhahana Kriya. There are 5 steps to this process. 1-Sit and pen down all your pain patterns, 2- sit with them and relive 5 times to relieve, 3- sit with the mirror, 4- share with another person, 5-Listen to their sharing. This is to be done 48 times in the next 45 Days.
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I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Listen! Today I will expand on “PERPETUAL COMPLETION“, one of the important dimensions of Living Advaitha.
Please listen! Almost last two years, a little less than two years, I am expanding on this one Scien
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