Princess Peach Showtime - Full Game + Postgame 100% Walkthrough
A full game 100% walkthrough on Princess Peach Showtime for Nintendo Switch. This covers the whole story including postgame, all Sparkle Gems, ribbons and outfits in all levels, all bosses and easter eggs and secrets of the game. Time stamps for each world can be found below. ►Activate the description for the timestamps of the kingdoms!!
00:00:00 Intro
00:03:55 1F: The Castle of Thorns
00:16:14 1F: Ninjutsu - The Art of Rapids
00:24:16 1F: Welcome to the Festival of Sweets
00:36:51 1F: Cowgirl in the Wilderness
00:48:00 1F: Darkle Boss Disco Wing
00:52:59 1F: Swordfighter Rehearsal
00:56:05 2F: The Ghostly Castle
01:05:29 BF: The Dark Swordfighter & the Arena
01:12:12 2F: The Perfect Infiltration
01:22:10 2F: The Case of Missing Mural
01:34:55 2F: A Snow Flower of Ice
01:46:46 2F: Darkle Boss Light Fang
01:51:26 2F: Dashing Thief Rehearsal
01:53:55 3F: Mighty Mission Alien Invasion
02:05:28 3F: Cowgirl at Dusk